


Program Overview

The Bachelor of Arts + Bachelor of Law is a five-year law program which seeks to develop the student's understanding of Arts related subjects while pursuing law. The Faculty of Law produces and develops capable individuals who are nurtured in the art of justice delivery and who apply the principles of law for the welfare of the society. The Faculty endeavours to provide the fundamental understanding of legal education by equipping students with the relevant skillsets and abilities which are vital for ensuring the prevalence of law and order within the nation. While pursuing this program, students will be exposed to various aspects of the Field of Arts while at the same time studying law. They will study arts fundamentals such as Political Science, Economics and International Relations, amongst others. The program is strategically designed to impart within the students a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical and practical philosophies of law. As part of the curriculum, this program exposes students to various forms of practical training exercises such as moot court competitions, parliamentary debates, drafting and legal aid clinics. The curriculum explores subjects such as jurisprudence and legal theory, law of torts, constitutional law, criminal procedure code and civil procedure code amongst others. The program is conducted by highly trained skilled faculties and expert legal resources who train students on the fundamentals of legal education in preparation of their careers as legal practitioners.

Program's Major Tracks

Corporate Lawyer

In-House Counsel

Mergers and Acquisitions Attorney

Securities Lawyer

Compliance Officer


5 Years (Semester System)

Program Name :

Bachelor of Arts + Bachelor of Law

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Legal Advisor

Provide expert legal advice and guidance to individuals, businesses, or organizations on various legal matters.

Cyber Law Specialist

Specialize in legal issues related to the internet, digital technologies, and online activities, including data privacy, cybercrime, and electronic commerce.

Legal Analyst

Analyze legal documents, statutes, and case law to provide insights and recommendations for legal strategies and decision-making.

Litigation Attorney

Represent clients in civil and criminal legal proceedings, including trials, hearings, and appeals, to protect their rights and interests.

Eligibility Criteria

Bar Council of India may from time to time, stipulate the minimum percentage of marks not below 45% of the total marks in case of general category applicants, 42% for OBC category* and 40% of the total marks in case of SC and ST applicants, to be obtained for the qualifying examination, such as +2 Examination in case of Integrated Five Years’ course or Degree course in any discipline for Three years’ LL.B. course, for the purpose of applying for and getting admitted into a Law Degree Program of any recognized University in either of the streams.

Affiliations & Approval

Affiliated To Punjabi University, Patiala
Approved by BCI

Mode of Admission

For admissions, visit the portal to register/login and proceed with the admission application.

Program Highlights

Five-year integrated program combining arts and law education

Exposure to arts subjects such as Political Science, Economics, and International Relations

Preparation for legal careers with comprehensive understanding of legal theories and practical training

Faculty led by highly trained legal experts


Where Theories Meet Fun

Placement Overview

Under the guidance of our trained faculty and with the support of our alumni network from different parts of the globe, we have been supplementing the careers of students. Be it preparation for government & defense services, getting a dream job at MNC’s, or starting up your own venture, SVGOI gives you the right direction towards a successful career track.

Key Takeaways from the 2022-23 Placement Session


Placement College


Engineering Highest Package


Companies Visited


Average Package

10 LPA

MBA Highest Package


Students Placed

Moon Mandal

Graduate Engineer Trainee

Yash Khandalwal

System Engineer

Prince Kumar

Project Engineer

Amit Gautam

Software Developer

Activities and Events

Insightful talk

Explore the essence of our event in these glimpse, featuring Prof. (Dr.) Ajay Ranga's insightful talk on 'Consumer Awareness: An Indian Perspective. Students got empowered with invaluable knowledge about their consumer rights, shaping them as informed and proactive members of society.

Interactive Seminar

Swami Vivekanand College of Law organised an interactive seminar on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) on 10th March, 2023.


Mr. Suvir Sidhu, Advocate, Chairman, Bar Council of Punjab & Haryana inaugurated the Moot Court.


Feb 4, 2024

This is the information for B.Pharmacy 2024 passing out students that IDS INFOTECH LTD is conducting a Placement Drive. All the eligible students can register themselves up to 29.01.2024. Date of placement drive is 7th Feb. 2024 at SVIET Campus.

Our Students Speak

Our Reviews Speak for Us

"Great learning experience and the college provided me with the opportunities needed. Truly outstanding! and really really thankful for the support"

Gaurav Sharma


"It have broadened my horizons and helped me advance my career. The college and management is incredibly supportive towards their students and also providing great learning experience for all"

Yash Khandelwal

System Engineer