Computer Applications

Bachelor of Computer Application


Program Overview

Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) is an undergraduate degree course that offers a blend of theoretical and practical knowledge in computer applications. This program provides students with in-depth understanding and extensive knowledge about various aspects of computer applications, making them proficient in IT sector roles such as programmer or software developer.

Program's Major Tracks

Software Development

Web Development

Database Administration

Network Engineering


3 Years (Semester System)

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Software Developer

Become proficient in software development using various programming languages and tools.

Web Developer

Develop skills in web development technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React and Angular.

Database Administrator

Learn database design, implementation, and management techniques.

Network Engineer

Understand network infrastructure, protocols, and security measures to design, implement, and maintain computer networks.

Eligibility Criteria

10+2 with at least 45% and for reserved category minimum 40%

Affiliations & Approval

IKGPTU, Jalandhar/ MRSPTU, Bathinda/Punjabi University, Patiala
Approved by AICTE

Mode of Admission

For admissions, visit the portal to register/login and proceed with the admission application.

Program Highlights

Learn by Doing: Hands-on learning through case studies and projects.

Advanced Labs: State-of-the-art labs with cutting-edge technology.

Industry Ready: Six-month industry internship for real-world experience.

Global Exposure: National and international immersion programs.

Industry Connections: Dedicated industry-academia partnerships for internship and placement opportunities.

Beyond Academics: Essential skill development through workshops.

Entrepreneurship Support: On-campus incubator for entrepreneurial opportunities.

Expert Learning: Renowned faculty and industry guest speakers.

Master the Latest Technologies: In-demand skills in mobile app development, full-stack development, internet technologies, IoT, data science, cybersecurity, and more.


Where Theories Meet Fun

Placement Overview

Under the guidance of our trained faculty and with the support of our alumni network from different parts of the globe, we have been supplementing the careers of students. Be it preparation for government & defense services, getting a dream job at MNC’s, or starting up your own venture, SVGOI gives you the right direction towards a successful career track.

Key Takeaways from the 2022-23 Placement Session


Placement College


Engineering Highest Package


Companies Visited


Average Package

10 LPA

MBA Highest Package


Students Placed

Moon Mandal

Graduate Engineer Trainee

Yash Khandalwal

System Engineer

Prince Kumar

Project Engineer

Amit Gautam

Software Developer